How to Buy Cuban Cigars Online

Dec 24, 2024

In the world of premium cigars, few names resonate as deeply as Cuban cigars. Renowned for their unparalleled quality, rich flavors, and storied history, these cigars hold a special place in the hearts of aficionados worldwide. However, purchasing authentic Cuban cigars online can be daunting for both new and experienced smokers. This guide aims to provide you with all the information you need on how to buy Cuban cigars online effectively and confidently.

The Allure of Cuban Cigars

Cuban cigars are often regarded as the best cigars in the world, and their reputation stems from a combination of factors:

  • Climate and Soil: The unique terroir of Cuba, with its rich, fertile soils and ideal growing conditions, contributes significantly to the exceptional quality of Cuban tobacco.
  • Handcrafted Tradition: Cuban cigars are handmade by expert torcedores, or cigar rollers, using traditional techniques that have been passed down through generations.
  • Flavor Profile: The distinctive flavor and complexity of Cuban cigars come from the meticulous fermentation and aging processes that the tobacco undergoes.

Understanding the Cuban Cigar Market

When diving into the market for Cuban cigars, it’s crucial to understand the intricacies involved in sourcing and purchasing these coveted products:

1. Legal Considerations

The legality of importing Cuban cigars varies by country. For example, in the United States, regulations have relaxed somewhat but are still complex. Always check your local laws to ensure compliance before making an online purchase.

2. Authenticity Issues

Sadly, the popularity of Cuban cigars has led to a significant market for counterfeits. Knowing how to identify authentic products is essential when purchasing cigars online. Genuine Cuban cigars typically come with a seal and a distinct band. The brands should also be familiar and reputable.

3. Quality Control

Websites like offer a range of Cuban cigars with quality guarantees. It’s vital to choose retailers who are known for their quality control measures, ensuring you receive a product that meets the high standards you expect.

The Process of Buying Cuban Cigars Online

Once you’ve navigated the legalities and authenticity issues, you can begin the buying process. Here’s how to buy Cuban cigars online step-by-step:

Step 1: Choose a Reputable Online Retailer

Finding a trustworthy retailer is the first step. Look for:

  • Customer Reviews: Read reviews by other buyers to gauge their experiences and the retailer's reliability.
  • Certification: Check if the retailer is affiliated with any industry organizations that promote quality standards.
  • Returns Policy: A good retailer will have a fair return policy that protects your purchase.

Step 2: Browse the Selection

Once you’ve chosen a retailer like, take your time to browse their selection:

  • Brands: Familiarize yourself with popular brands such as Cohiba, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, and Partagas.
  • Cigar Type: Decide if you want robustas, churchills, or other shapes and sizes.
  • Flavor Notes: Each cigar has its flavor profile. Read descriptions to find cigars that match your palate.

Step 3: Verify the Pricing

The price of Cuban cigars can vary significantly. As you explore your options, consider:

  • Market Rates: Research the average market price for the cigars you’re interested in to ensure you aren’t overpaying.
  • Shipping Fees: Factor in shipping costs, as they can add to the total price.

Step 4: Make Your Purchase

When you’re ready to buy, follow these steps:

  • Add to Cart: Select the quantity of each cigar and add them to your cart.
  • Checkout Process: During checkout, ensure that your shipping and billing information is accurate. Most reputable sites will provide secure payment options.
  • Order Confirmation: After placing your order, look for a confirmation email. This usually contains tracking information for your shipment.

How to Store Your Cuban Cigars

Proper storage is crucial to enjoy your Cuban cigars at their finest:

  • Humidors: Invest in a high-quality humidor to regulate humidity levels (between 65% and 70% is ideal).
  • Temperature Control: Store your cigars at an optimal temperature of around 70°F (21°C).
  • Airflow: Ensure good airflow in the humidor, avoiding overcrowding to maintain the best cigar integrity.


Purchasing Cuban cigars online can be a rewarding experience when approached correctly. By understanding the market, choosing a reputable retailer like, and following the steps outlined above, you can enjoy the world of Cuban cigars with confidence. Remember to verify authenticity, consider your selections carefully, and always store your cigars properly to enhance their longevity and flavor. Whether you are a seasoned aficionado or just starting your journey, the rich experience offered by Cuban cigars is well within your reach.